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Welcome to SMarFi solution

The SMarFi solution consists of a Web App used for configuration, data storage and report operations and an Android App used for collecting data operations within LIFE DREAM project.

The Android App is installed on the fishers, captain, volunteer and fuel machine operator smartphones and used by fishers during fishing activity in relation to waste accidentally captured and dropped on board the boats and by volunteers and fuel machine operators during the backend operations

The personnel in charge on board enters in the Android App the information relating to the characteristics of the catch (code, date, geographical area coordinates, fishing hours)

The volunteers enters in the Android App all the quantitative and qualitative data of the anthropogenic waste collected on board.

These data are subsequently completed, by fuel machine operator with the addition of the weighing of the plastic fraction to be recycled and the amount of marine fuel produced.

The fuel produced is reused on fishing boats that have collected the plastic or for other purposes.

All the information collected are stored in the dedicated database.